Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WILW 7.6.11

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I'm loving that today is my Mom's birthday! 
Happy Birthday, Mom! 

Hope you are able have a relaxing birthday.... ha! 

Wait.. has my Mom ever had a relaxing day? Between 6 kids, 3 grandchildren, a nursing career (and now a new legal nurse consulting business), dozens of animals including dogs, cats, ducks, peacocks, fish, turtles, hamsters, gerbils, etc etc etc.... I'm not sure I've ever known Mom to have a "me day." 

So here's to hoping that you spend your time in a lounge chair in the sun. Promise to make you a strawberry margarita next time I see you! 

I'm loving braids! Ever since I had hair long enough to fasten into a braid, I've been a fan. My older cousins taught me to french braid when I was really young, plus I was a child of the 80's so I often begged Mom to create all kinds of funky braided hairdos. 

I'm loving the fact that my niece Katelyn is spending the summer with her Dad on the East Coast. She's in my time zone... hooray!! Hopefully I'll get to see her in about 2 weeks!  I'm loving that she's so grown up she even has a prepaid cell phone for the summer. I'm pretty sure her Mama meant for it to be for emergencies, but she calls me every other day to discuss 
Justin Bieber.

Jammin to the Beib.

I'm loving my dogs.... Rocko & always, of course... but it's just that I recently spent a whole week apart from my furbabies and it's so good to have them stinking up my car again, shedding all over my clothes, and snoring loudly on the couch beside me. 

I'm loving the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. I'm a nutrition nut struggling to navigate my way through marketing ploys, scientific research, hype, quacks, southern cooking, locally grown produce, social eating, and everything between. I may not always make the healthy choice, but I am determined to eliminate the crap from my diet once and for all. I believe food is the most important medicine around when it comes to preventative care.

I've always been fascinated with the concept of fasting, and I've even tried a few detoxes in the past. All the major world religions embrace fasting. It's been practiced since history has been recorded. This film was incredibly inspirational and I'm about two seconds from splurging on my very own juicer.

Have a fabulous Wednesday! 

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